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Navaratri Post - Day 5

Skandamata represents Devi Parvati in her stage of motherhood. Parvati is known to be the mother of Skanda, her son Kartikey. Parvati was kept away from nurturing her child from the six Krittikas. As the seed of the energy that Shiva and Parvati created, fell to a sleeve of reeds, it was split into six infants, as they're found by six women, and after working out a fair resolution, as Shiva and Parvati merged the six babies into one infant with six faces, he would be known to all as Shanmukha (six-faced) and as being the mother of this unique child, Parvati will be known as Skandmata.

Skandamata is of a gold complexion, with three eyes as well as a calm mien. She is adorned with light ornamentation on her limbs and is dressed in orange and yellow apparels. She has four hands, two of which held lotuses, the third holding her son, the six-headed infant Kartikeya seated on her lap, and the fourth saves her devotees. She is seated upon the back of a lion.

Om Devi Skandamathayai Namah॥

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