Our Team.
Durga Lakshmi
Durga lakshmi who is graduated in M.E. and also worked as a principal in a CBSE school at Lucknow Uttar Pradesh.
Venkatraman (a) Kedharnath, who was a former project engineer, who worked in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
Venkatraman (a) Kedharnath and his wife Durga Lakshmi, quit their jobs for a huge cause "To save native Breeds of cows".
Agriculture is the Backbone of India. Backbone of Agriculture is BOS Indicus (native breeds). Its the only main reason to save them.
Rearing of cows is not only for milk, but there are lot of reason to breed them especially native breeds. So we have started this Gaushala on 04-March-2019. On the day of Mahashivrathri in our holy town Rameswaram.
First we started with the mother Breed of India - Kankrej from Gujarat in our initial stage. Kankrej is one of the oldest breed in our country. After that we came to know about native breeds of Tamil Nadu is going for slaughter hence started to save few of them with our own sources.
Initially we started with 6 cows. At present there are 40 number of cows in our Gaushala in which most of them are saved from slaughter.